Let the revenge go cold
And then throw it away in the sink.
Let the treachery slide
Like a debt gone bad,
Never paid back.
Let not your insides turn to bile
But smile gently at their guile.
Fold the rage, make a plane
And let it fly into the rain.
Let the pain win at times
Because both of us know
It’s too weak for you
And sulks if it can’t win once in a while.
Forget them, just for a bit
Let them spoil for a fight.
Turn the music on, softly
And then, gently kill the light.
If there’s sourness left over
Taking up space in your head,
That’s just the perfect recipe
For some first-grade lemonade.
Unrequited let the hatred go
Uncared let the vengeance wither.
Let them mess about in the muck
Don’t have to play their game.
Know they can’t hurt you,
Because I won’t let them.
AKS. Bengaluru. October 2021